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Digital Artist


I create visual pieces of artwork using various tools while mixing different techniques and disciplines without the use of artificial intelligence.

Taking a story in my mind’s eye, I focus on telling that story in a single piece of artwork in such a way so that the person viewing that image is immersed either in my story, or one of their own creation.

My influences are rooted in the fantastic realms of the imagination and cover a wide range of feelings. Some of my influences are from graphic novels, manga/anime. science fiction and fantasy. It is my hope that everyone who views my work is also transported into the many worlds of imagination.

This website is where you will find images from my portfolio You will also find links to how to contact me and any upcoming events that will feature my work.

Thank you for visiting and please enjoy.

Neil Gaimen quote

My process…

Most people ask how I create my images, so let me give you a quick look at my process. 

I start with creating a “set” in an online virtual world known as Second Life. It is a “massively multiplayer online game” that was started in 2003 by Linden Labs of San Francisco. It has similarities to other “MMO’s,” but it is set apart by the fact that all of the content is created by the users of the system. In fact, you really cannot call it a game, since there are no real storylines to follow like in the case of other MMO’s. You have the ability to become anyone, or anything, that you want. Your only limitation is your imagination. The image to the right is what I normally look like “in world”.

Once I have created the “set”, I add the characters featured and add lighting just like you would in real world. In fact, I can even move the sun if the light is not quite right, which is quite amusing. The raw images produced are then adjusted and layered using other pieces of software, like Adobe Photoshop.

I also utilize real life images in my pieces. However, I do not use any Artificial Intelligence products in creating images. Many of these systems pull the work of other artists without their permission. so I chose not to use them.

Silverwind Tzedek profile

Art Portfolio

Here are the images from my current portfolio.  These are the images that are available for sale in the form of prints. I will be showing these at conventions and art shows in the upcoming year. I have prints in both 11x17 and 4x6 sizes, and as a plain or matted print. Please contact me via email for availability and prices. And please follow my Facebook page for announcements for events where my work will be available.  

Ballroom Dancing

Ballroom Dancing

Celestial Balance

Celestial Balance

Finding a Mermaid

Finding a Mermaid

Lightning Dancer

Lightning Dancer

Fire Dragon

Fire Dragon



Lightning Blast

Lightning Blast

Mermaid Lillies

Mermaid Lilies

Steampunk Fairy

Steampunk Fairy

Moonlight Window

Moonlight Window

Window Light

Window Light

Unicorn and Moonlight

Unicorn and Moonlight

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